
Rabu, 14 Desember 2011


Based on a U.S. Department of Labor Women's Bureau 2008 analysis, we ranked business women's median weekly earnings as full-time wage and salary workers to uncover the highest-paying jobs for women. An unlikely No. 1 emerged. Much to our surprise, pharmacy topped the list, where women pharmacists earn a median wage of $1,647 per week or about $86,000 a year.

Business Women are flocking to the labor force in record numbers. Nearly 60% sought or occupied employment in 2008, the latest year for which statistics are available, representing 46.5% of the total U.S. labor force. More than one-third of these business women worked in management, professional and related occupations, accounting for 51% of all workers in this top paying sector. Though a pay gap persists -- business women's earnings remain stalled at around 80% of men's -- women are finding the jobs that pay them the most, and some may surprise you.

Business Women
Business Women currently account for slightly less than half of all pharmacists in the U.S. and earn about 85% as much as their male colleagues. It's a much smaller pay gap than that of medical doctors, however, where women make 59% as much as men. And pharmacy requires less education. While business women are inching higher and higher in status positions and earnings -- the pay gap has narrowed by 10 percentage points since 1990 -- there remains a large divide. About 3.5 million women earn within the highest pay bracket, making a minimum of $1,500 per week, compared with almost 10 million men. This may be explained by the most common female-held positions: administrative assistants, nurses and grade school teachers. (As a comparison, there are 36 times as many women administrative assistants as there are women pharmacists.)
Yet women outnumber men in some unexpected high-earning jobs like financial managers, accountants and auditors, and budget analysts. Women human resource managers, the No. 8 position on our list with a median of $1,137 per week, outnumber men in the field 2 to 1.
Top Paying Jobs for Women
Though a pay gap persists--women's earnings remain stalled at around 80% of men's--women are finding the jobs that pay them the most, and some may surprise you. Based on a U.S. Department of Labor Women's Bureau 2008 analysis, we ranked business women's median weekly earnings as full-time wage and salary workers to uncover the highest paying jobs for women.
No. 1: Pharmacists· Women's median weekly earnings: $1,647
Women's median yearly earnings: $85,644
Percentage of men's earnings: 84.9%

Education required: PCAT; Pharm.D. degree; six to seven years of collegiate study

What they do: Distribute pharmaceutical drugs
No. 2: Chief Executives
Women's median weekly earnings: $1,603

Women's median yearly earnings: $83,356

Percentage of men's earnings: 80.1%

Education required: bachelor's or graduate degree in business administration

What they do: Hold overall responsibility for the operation of an organization, including corporate and small businesses
No. 3: Lawyers
Women's median weekly earnings: $1,509

Women's median yearly earnings: $78,468

Percentage of men's earnings: 77.5%

Education required: LSAT; J.D. degree; about seven years of collegiate study

What they do: Advocate in criminal and civil courts and provide legal counsel to clients on business and personal matters
No. 4: Computer Software Engineers
Women's median weekly earnings: $1,351

Women's median yearly earnings: $70,252

Percentage of men's earnings: 87.3%

Education required: Bachelor of computer science or software engineering

What they do: Design, develop, test and evaluate computer systems and software
No. 5: Computer and Information Systems Managers
Women's median weekly earnings: $1,260

Women's median yearly earnings: $65,520

Percentage of men's earnings: 85.4%

Education required: Bachelor's degree; often a technology-specific MBA

What they do: Imfomation technology, network security and IT operations

So, what do you think next, when you meet these typical women ? Get married or leave her ?

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